The senior economist of the World Bank (WB), Marc Schiffbauer, praised the increase in budget revenues this year, as well as the previous reforms implemented by the Government in the area of fiscalization, the formation of the Fiscal Council, but also significant developments in the area of taxes and public procurement.
The team of the Ministry of Finance, headed by Minister Aleksandar Damjanović, discussed with the leading economists of the WB for Montenegro the progress achieved in the preparation of the new loan based on public policies (DPL), as well as the analysis of the results achieved through the implementation of guarantees based on public policies ( PBG 1 and PBG 2) approved in 2018 and 2020.
The Ministry said that Christos Kostopoulos, who will be the WB’s leading economist for the Western Balkans in the coming period, pointed out that a report (ICR) is being prepared regarding the assessment of the performance of WB support provided within the PBG 1 and PBG 2 series.
“He mentioned that the specific context in which the support was allocated should also be taken into account, especially the fact that the PBG 2 program was approved before the coronavirus pandemic itself, which must have had a certain impact on the dynamics of the fulfillment of the obligations,” they said in the statement.
Emphasizing that the success of the execution of given obligations is seen both quantitatively and qualitatively, it was stated that it is necessary to speed up legal reforms in the field of ecology and sustainable development, which is a prerequisite for the “greening” of the economy and the achievement of progress in that area.
Damjanović pointed out that from the aspect of his responsibilities, while at the same time initiating interdepartmental cooperation within the Government, he will make a full contribution to ensure that all obligations related to the fulfillment of the conditions for the realization of the DPL are quickly and efficiently fulfilled.
Economist Milan Lakićević and Operations Officer Denis Mesihović attended the working meeting on behalf of the WB, and State Secretaries Ilija Vukčević and Miloš Medenica, Director General of the State Budget Directorate Bojan Paunović and Director General of the State Treasury Directorate Svetlana Vukićević on behalf of the Ministry of Finance.