The complete net profit of Crnogorski Telekom last year, in the amount of EUR 2.35 million, i.e. five cents gross per share, will be paid to the shareholders in the form of dividends, it was decided at the Shareholders’ Assembly.
The shareholders also adopted the financial and business report for the past year.
Deloitte was chosen as the independent auditor for this year, and the remuneration policy was adopted.
A new Board of Directors was also elected, which will consist of Siniša Đuranović as the president of that body, Marc Stehle, Matija Kovačević, and Christoph Schon and Tripko Krgović as independent directors.
– The company made a decision to reduce the capital on the basis of which it will cancel the acquired own shares, and the Shareholders’ Assembly gave the authority for a new purchase of own shares, for which purpose Telekom will determine the amount of two million EUR that will be spent in the next ten months – it was explained from the company.
Crnogorski Telekom, according to its executive director Stjepan Udovicic, has been showing its ability to grow commercially and develop technologically on the small and highly competitive market in Montenegro for the second year in a row.
He stated that the Crnogorski Telekom team last year achieved exceptional results and significant growth in all segments, strengthening the foundations for plans for this year and the following years.
– The Crnogorski Telekom team has always had the energy and strength to realize these ambitious goals, and all that was needed was for the entire organization to believe that everything can be achieved if we are ready to go one step further than others, in planning and executing plans. In the wealth of existing and new technologies, at Telekom we want to develop a culture where it is desirable to explore new territories of the possible and new tools every day, to be pioneers in development, digitalization, marketing, and sales. Modern and agile. To get others to follow us, instead of looking for the beaten track. Which, I believe, we successfully started – said Udovicic.
Telekom also devoted last year to investments in the strategic development of the mobile and optical network, thanks to which, as they announced, today it has the largest and fastest 4G and 5G network in the country and the highest flow of internet traffic in the mobile network in Montenegro, as well as 17% more users on optics compared to years before.
– In addition to being the first in Montenegro to launch a commercial 5G network based on DSS technology, the first to achieve gigabit speeds in a test 3.x environment, and then the first to launch a commercial 5G network at high frequencies, Telekom leased the most 5G spectrum at last year’s auction, which have created the conditions for the introduction of gigabit speeds in the mobile network and the spectral competitive advantage of Telekom for the next 15 years – it is stated in the press release.
Udovicic said that he is convinced that the company’s growth is not limited only to financial and market metrics, but is also measured by the strength of our unity and cooperation.
– Users and shareholders are an inseparable part of our company’s success, which is why I want to especially thank you for your support in the previous period. The commitment of all interested parties – management, employees, shareholders, to our common vision and values is what drives us and encourages us to achieve new successes – concluded Udovicic.
For more than a decade and a half, Crnogorski Telekom remains the only telecommunications operator whose shares are on the stock exchange in the highly competitive telecommunications market in Montenegro.