Large retail chains will be closely monitored by the Competition Protection Agency (CPA), and if it is determined that high prices are a result of an agreement, the CPA will take immediate action, said Dragan Damjanović, Chairman of the CPA Council.
“The Agency will promptly sanction this through effective application of the law, just as it did with mobile operators, who face multimillion-dollar fines due to cartel agreements,” Damjanović stated.
He emphasized that the agency is carefully analyzing the current situation caused by high prices.
“We call on citizens to send any information they may have that confirms the existence of an illegal agreement to the Agency. For accurate public information, we remind everyone that the Agency cannot set prices or margins, nor does it have regulatory status, but it plays a crucial role in monitoring the market to prevent abuse of dominant positions and illegal agreements. Given that, in the end, we are all just ordinary citizens, we want to believe that consumer protection is a shared goal for government institutions as well as market participants,” Damjanović concluded.