For the first time in Montenegro, through the implementation of the recently approved project of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Montenegro, a laboratory for integrated microsystems will be established, which will enable the launch of innovative projects in Montenegro, according to the announcement of the University of Montenegro.
It is a laboratory of the kind that is currently in short supply in Europe, and which, by training personnel for designing chips (integrated circuits), can attract representatives of existing companies from the surrounding area, Europe and the world, which deal with the design of integrated circuits, or initiate the establishment of startup companies.
Until now, due to the lack of infrastructure, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (ETF) has had scientific cooperation in this area with institutes and related faculties in Vienna.
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, prof. Dr. Saša Mujović said that this is a great step forward for the University of Montenegro and for Montenegro, for which the ETF had the strong support of the UCG rector, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Božović.
– For now, we are in the phase of looking for investors in Montenegro who will invest in establishing a laboratory – which is important for Montenegro in many ways. Apart from the financial benefits for Montenegro, we also expect that this laboratory will stop the outflow of young professionals who are professionally oriented towards electronics. Certainly, the laboratory will be the basis for the training of personnel that Europe lacks and that will attract other companies that are in demand for cooperation in this area. The capacity of the laboratory for integrated microsystems will be actively included in the teaching process at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at all study levels. Future graduates will be able to work in Montenegro, as independent designers, in foreign companies dealing with high semiconductor technologies – said Dean Mujović.
He said that his expectations are that within two years from the commissioning of the laboratory for integrated microsystems, the mentioned benefits can already be felt.
– The first planned project in the laboratory for integrated microsystems, Smart irrigation of arable land based on plant tissue moisture measurement, was started in 2015, and would be completed in the laboratory. So far, no system for smart irrigation of arable land in open space has been implemented in the world based on the measurement of plant tissue humidity. The key problem that until now, at the planetary level, has prevented it is the large influence of temperature variations present on the open arable surface on the accuracy of the instrument for measuring plant tissue humidity. This problem was completely eliminated by using controllable constant power generators designed by the Group for Integrated Microsystems of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica – said Dean Mujović.
He concludes that in this way the state’s investment in the education of young people has achieved its purpose – highly educated citizens of Montenegro who are professionally oriented towards cutting-edge technologies remain to live and work in Montenegro, which will return the investment in their education to the state many times over.
The project Establishing a laboratory for integrated microsystems was evaluated as innovative, and by the decision of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, it was entered into the Register of Innovative Activities, where ETF is registered as a scientific research institution, and now this project has been added.