Invest in Montenegro

    Montenegro became a full member of NATO in May 2017, and it is expected that Montenegro is first next member of European Union.

    For five years in a row, the country was leader in Europe according to the level of Foreign Direct Investment per capita and still is among the highest in the Central and Eastern Europe.

    Predominately service oriented economy.

    Key drivers of future growth are tourism and energy.

    The World Tourism Travel Council/Oxford Economics estimates suggest that in long term growth (2015-2025) Montenegro will enjoy annual growth in visitors exports of around 8 % (3 rd possition in the world).

    Current investments in tourism projects amount to about eur 3 billion.

    One of the lowest tax rates in Europe.

    The Montenegrin government is investing in local infrastructure such as roads,water and electricity supply , but definately further improvements will be necessary as the tourist number increase.

    Montenegro has seen steady improvements in competitiveness and transparency.

    Montenegro has a modern legal system with robust business laws. The business regulations have evolved to represent the dynamic business environment of the country.

    Opening and operating a business in Montenegro is cheap and straightforward. Registration fees are low, and minimum capital requirements are almost non-existent. That’s why it’s the 50th easiest country to do business in the world.

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